In the past my dad would use this line. “Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” I’ve always been pretty self sufficient and choosing the hard way although not the smartest was the path I took. I think it’s time I turn around and go the easy way.
I think that sometimes as addicts we take up the lowly position of being an addict in order to have acquaintances that are at least pretending to be our friends. Although we all know the truth is once the drugs or alcohol ran out the niceties’ of having friends vanished also. “This to shall pass.” I must continually remind myself that the easy way for me from here on out is the path forward, to a better, happier and healthy lifestyle.

I’m not sure why I would think of this memory at this point in life, as I have not seen my father in nearly two decades. But – the memories remain. Currently I go about as a ‘somewhat functioning’ alcoholic, which right now I feel as it’s the best I can do.
New Year New ME!!!!!
Happy 2025 ~Miraculous Recovery
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